As a child, spirits and guides were some of Abigail's confidants and friends. She understood that many people on this plane didn't recognize them, but for Abigail, it was an undeniable truth.
All of us are born with these extrasensory abilities, but we need to learn how to live with them. Think of it like a radio dial. To clear the static we need to learn how to tune in, as well as find the on/off button. It is not always an easy process, but that is where the craft and skill come in. When Abigail turned twelve, there was a shift where she was called even further into the unseen realms. With Automatic Writing (channeling with spirit) as her primary tool, and the ability to interpret unseen energetic data, she began informal readings with friends. The practice became more refined through the years as the sessions reached outside her immediate circle. It thrived in the midst of careers steeped in arts and International fashion. Over time, she has worked with 'unseen' energies to develop a unique modality of life healing work.
While there are various ways that session work may be explored with Abigail, they all have at their core, client-centered exploration. Each session is tailored for the path of the client, with the client.
Abigail splits her time, living between NYC and Italy. It supports her practice flourishing all over the world, working remotely and in-person when available.
Session work knows no bounds of time and locations. As long as there is speedy wifi, and a quiet space, this work has global reach.
She continues to deepen her metaphysical studies through training at The College of Psychic Studies and The School of Intuition and Healing (Both in London, England) Her first classes in Past Life regression began in 2018 with Brian Weiss, then The College of Psychic Studies and has now finished her certification in Transpersonal and Past -Life Regression Hypnotherapy. The program Verziere Sanctum, is under an alliance with the Newton Institute, providing a license through the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT).
She is also verified and certified, by Best American Psychics (BAP).

1.There are two types of Automatic Writing. Both though, are forms of 'writing'. One is by reaching a deep connection to one's subconscious. The next level is when it is clear that the messages coming through, are from an outside source. This is channeling. The source may be from someone who has passed, an energy or group of energies or someone still alive who communicates through psychic pathways.(Although the last is less common, it has been used by Abigail.) We can call this energy in all forms, a subtle-entity.
Automatic Writing of this second level, happens by letting this subtle-entity use one’s hand to write or draw. The subject may be in a light to heavy trance state. Often the subject, in this case, Abigail, doesn't remember what comes up, as it is not functioning on the conscious level. Sometimes Abigail will ask spirit a question, and the Automatic Writing happens in session itself. In this case, Abigail is able to go gently between this world and beyond.
It can feel like a bit of pressure either above the hand or actually in or on the hand, all the way to the shoulder, as the writer is guided across the page or keyboard. If you were to put your hand on someone else's to guide them to write or firmly press the arm at the same time, the person being guided would feel this pressure. That is what it can feel like to the one channeling using Automatic Writing.
Psychic abilities and mediumship work in tandem, and for Abigail, are inseparable. One's psychic or extrasensory tools are made up of the different 'claires'; senses. If, for instance, Abigail sees energy, then the energy writes through her, then both mediumship and psychic pathways are employed.
2. You may connect with someone who has passed over who has messages and/or guidance for you.
You may have something to communicate to this spirit/energy. Sometimes though, the timing is not as we wish, just as in this plane. Abigail asks you then, to be patient and know that not all questions have immediate answers or answers at all. Similarly not all energies are always ready to interact.
3. Abigail sounds like herself during the session.
She is often in a slight trance, that may not even be detectable to you. Or, depending upon the type of work agreed upon, she may go into a even deeper trance. Abigail goes to a place that is so immediate and outside the bounds of time that she may not remember all that is said. However, should the two of you work together again it often comes flowing right back. Please note, that deeper trance states are not the norm for the kind of work regularly done. If she is in a deeper state of trance she may not be able to navigate and discuss with you, what is coming up. It is session-specific should the deep state be invited and have a purpose. When in light to deep trance she may adapt slight physical gestures that are reminiscent of the spirit in a particular incarnation; or their vocal intonations or vocabulary. This is not a party trick, nor is it meant to be done in a group situation or for entertainment purposes.
4. What should you do before a session?
If you have a question or two, think about defining them.
It is not necessary to arrive with prepared questions.
If it is a remote session (not in -person) please make your space as distraction-free as possible. Please be alone in it. Turn off all outside distractions like media, any notifications on your devices. And please put do not disturb on your devices or phone. Abigail does the same on her end.
Notes and recordings are permitted as long as not shared on social -media, and privacy/confidentiality is respected.
For both in-person and remote, it is suggested that you do not rush to session, nor rush somewhere else after session. Going a bit slow, can help with integration both to a session and afterward into the world.
5. What does Abigail do before session?
Abigail makes sure that her space is cleared and ready. She may burn sage and light candles, or work with crystals with the intention that all focus be now on you. Even some dance may figure into her prep time if a necessary bridge to you. She then may sit in meditation for up to 90 minutes. Or if called, she moves into Automatic Writing coupled with downloads of unseen energetic data via the Clairs. The journey into your world is by invitation only. The invite is there for the session, then when the session is over, it is released.
6. Why isn't it good to have a session while in a cafe, or some other public place?
Because Abigail may pick up on energies and thoughts in connection with that which is around you.
You also may feel distracted and uncentered if your focus is pulled somewhere else. And this, in turn, can muddy your own connection with yourself, and your spirit world. You may send out conflicting messages expecting a clear answer.
8. Packages are offered, why book them instead of a single session?
Below is a testimonial from a client.
" At first I booked single sessions with Abigail, then I switched to packages. I love them because they somehow give me permission, internally, to reach out when I know I need it, without a lot of deliberating or rationalizing. It's like a present I give to me, because my readings with Abigail are so special and validating, and the act of buying a package makes me feel like I've done something really good for myself. And it's like insurance, because when I need a tune-up I've already put one in the metaphorical bank. I know she's there (she's always SO there) but with a package I feel even more comfortable reaching out for guidance. Besides, she always seems to know when I need guidance anyway, and all we've done is plan for it in bulk. "
No discrimination against:
race, color, gender, sexual orientation, self-identification, partner choice and love, size, culture, religious beliefs, nationality, & age.
The transformation of self, through intuitive navigation skills.
You are always with your unseen energetic team members. They have messages to impart when you are ready to know them. They speak your unspoken language of the soul. That language can inspire an unshakable way of walking through life. With this grace and ease, it is inevitable that you become more spiritually aware.
Do you have a concrete idea as to how far you can go in the world or succeed? Bust through that! Traveling beyond space and time is limitless!
Unseen energetic information is always there. You can explore its application on a deep karmic level, but also how it plays out in your everyday life.
This is about harmony of the soul and human self. They are both you.